The Mensuration Package: Simple Routines for Forest Mensuration

Overview of the Mensuration package

The Mensuration package is a small package of routines that might be helpful for some projects related to forest mensuration. The package as it stands is very incomplete and currently revolves around two Shiny applications that run in the user's web browser. These allow the interactive exploration of so-called q distributions and the more flexible Chapman-Richards distribution. A few "helper" routines are potentially useful in their own right.

Details of package use are found in the package vignette: The R Mensuration Package User's Guide, while the help system is detailed in the normal package vignette. Information on installation and a simple example are found in the following sections. Please refer to the vignettes for more details.

Mensuration package installation

Mensuration is available only on R-Forge. On the project pages, you will note that you can install the package directly from R-Forge using…

install.packages("Mensuration", repos="")

Currently, the Mensuration package relies on the R Shiny package.

In order to use the Shiny applications, the Mensuration package requires that the following package be installed prior to use. It is best to install the most recent version from CRAN as…


An optional package that will present tables in a more useable manner (see examples below) is the DT package, which supports JavaScript "DataTables;" this package is recommend and can be installed with…


Mensuration package vignette

As noted above, there is one extra package vignette (aside from the default help vignette) distributed with the package itself. This can also be downloaded here from the R-Forge versions if desired…

  1. The R Mensuration Package User's Guide

The following paper details the development of the Chapman-Richards distribution …

Mensuration examples

Several examples of the supporting functions are shown in the package vignette cited above. Because of the interactive nature of Shiny applications, only a screen shot of each application is shown here. Again, a more detailed narrative on each application is found in the package vignette. The best course of action is to simply install the package and its dependency (Shiny) and give it a try.


The following is a snapshot of the interface that allows one to explore different q distibutions using the sliders to the left…


Similarly to the above, the following is a snapshot of the interface that allows one to explore different Chapman-Richards distibutions using the sliders to the left; the following shows a "rotated-sigmoid" distribution accompanied by the basal area-size distribution (BASD); which are the defaults at creation time…

Note that the sliders are used to set the parameters of the Chapman-Richards growth equations (eta, m, and gamma) and the two other vital rates of the distribution: "Recruitment" and "Mortality rate." More information on these parameter values and how they affect the growth and resulting distributional shapes is given in the vignette and the paper cited above. Also note that the figure shows all trees down to the very smallest in the first class (in order to capture most of the numbers density in that class near zero), which we are told is wider than the nominal width; this option may be selected by calling the routine using: crDistnShiny(d0 = 0.001, includeTiny = TRUE) (see the help page for more information on these and other arguments). We are also told that the largest class is different from the nominal size, this results because the Chapman-Richards growth model has a maximum size limit, which is inherited by the distribution. The quadratic mean stand diameter is shown on both distributions with the small red tick mark.

The above is accompanied by the basal area-size distribution on the right of the figure. In the next figure, the distribution is the same, but we have clicked on the "MortSurv" tab in the upper right, to show the survival probability and the mortality distribution…

Finally, the following is again the same distribution, but showing the stand table view, much like what is shown by default in the qDistnShiny application…


There are a number of other options for both of the Shiny applications illustrated above—these are detailed in the package help pages, as are the other routines available in the package. Both of the Shiny applications allow the user to explore the results on distributional shape by changing the parameters for the respective distribitions interactively in real time. The q distribution will always have a negative exponential shape, but one can vary the diminution coefficient as well as the other parameters to see what affect these changes have on the final stand structure. The Chapman-Richards distribution is more complicated, and has many more shapes that can be attained by reasonable changes to the vital rate parameters.